Our Vision
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Our Vision
When completed, the Egrets Way will comprise a safe, largely off-road network of walking and cycling paths linking the towns of Lewes and Newhaven with the villages in between.
For some it will offer a route to work or school, for some an opportunity to link to other recreational routes and enjoy a healthy lifestyle but to all it will provide an opportunity to access and enjoy the attractions of the beautiful Lower Ouse Valley in the South Downs National Park without being deterred by the fast-moving traffic on the rural but exceptionally busy C7 road.
Getting on with it
Sustainability is central to the creation of the Egrets Way. Social, environmental and economic aspects of the project are distinctive, carrying with them their own set of issues and yet they are inter-related. One aspect can’t exist fully without the other ultimately ensuring that sustainability is real and relevant. With its focus on connection, on access and on lifestyle the Egrets Way can help to bring lasting change, not only to Newhaven but also to the villages it links up with and to Lewes.
We now have planning approval in place for the whole riverside route. The majority of final landowner agreements are in place and our next step is to get the substantial funding required to complete construction. And then of course after that, and arguably the most challenging as well as the most fulfilling step, is to promote the Egrets Way; to get people onto it, to enjoy it and to bring the benefits to all that it was originally intended to deliver.
The journey so far…..
What comes next?
After ten years of progress our ambition remains for the Egrets Way to be complete by the end of 2023.